Monday, April 12, 2010

Aluminum Brazing Rod

I ordered a package of Aluminum Brazing rods today.   I'm hoping this will end my dilemma of premature sealant failure.  Every product I have used fails after a hand full of burns.  I've used JB Weld, high temp stove cement, and a couple of other high temp adhesives.  This product is suppose to have a fairly high melting point.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  The sticks have a lower melting point than any brazing rod I have ever seen.  I would think the melting point of this product would be closer to a solder.  I guess I will find out soon enough.  If it works, I will post a video.  Then again, if it doesn't work, I will probably post a video anyhow.  Here is a link to the product.......